
  • To organize an annual internal event where entire Lilly leaderships and entire sales team come together to review past achievements, share the learning of 2017, recognize achievers and kick off the 2018 plan.


  • We see our customers as invited guests to our event. It’s our job to make the customer experience better. Having shared this exclusive bond with Eli Lily, Team Enthuse has been consequently hosting events for them for the year of 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
  • With the theme “Fantastic Four”, Enthuse wanted to establish that national sales plan of 2018 is based on 4 pillars. The aim was to fire up the ideas of the employees in this meet and refuel them.
  • The two days engaging event also celebrated 25 glorious years of Eli Lily in India.


  • The extraordinary journey of 25 years was depicted through a series of photo frames.
  • Milestones showcasing achievement of 25 years merged seamlessly with the décor, which was given a touch of blue. Large rotatory central installation captivated everyone and become an integral part of all the pictures.
  • Day 1 started with breaking off the large LED screen by the CEO of Eli Lilly, theme AV followed, and it established the context of theme Fantastic Four.  After the daylong conference, the evening saw fantastic dance performances, comedy acts interspersed with rewards for the extraordinary performers.
  • Day two started with team building sessions followed by multi-tasking activities, which were regaling and entertaining for the crowd. The second evening was only meant for gala entertainment, the theme “Hare Rama Hare Krishna,” transported all employees of Eli Lilly to that 70’s era. Specially crafted photo zones, theme props, Hare Rama Hare Krishna themed shirts created memories for a lifetime.
  • Delhi street food delivered gastronomical delight.