Do you feel “blah” in an area of your life? Maybe it’s your: Career, Relationship, Home, etc.

But there is always going to be something that you’re passionate about, but that is where you get stumped. What would you be more passionate about? All you feel is “blah.”

  1. Do one thing out of the ordinary each day.
    To be bored, bummed, or burnt out, you need to be in a rut. So, get yourself out of yours. For example, I was feeling bored, bummed, and burnt out with the city I live in, Pune. So I started shopping at new grocery stores, biking places instead of taking the subway and spending my time in new parts of town. It’s amazing how these little things shifted my mindset.
  2. Have a difficult conversation you are avoiding.
    If you are grumbling about someone in your life, each time you see or think of that person, it’s like a bite to your neck.
  3. Go for Shopping.
    My instant source of happiness is shopping, when you get to see new collection at your favorite store or the perfect pant that you’ve always dreamt of.
  4. Write up one dream per day.
    Dreaming is a direct line to your passions. Maybe your dreams feel stale, or “good on paper,” but that just means that you haven’t mastered dreaming. Practice makes perfect. Create one dream per day about your troublesome area, and really let yourself daydream about it.
  5. Survey the people in your life about your best qualities.
    Often, when you are feeling bored, bummed or burnt out, you lose sight of who you are. You feel down on yourself, not confident in your abilities, and doubtful that you could find something better. What are you known for? You will likely be surprised by some of their answers. Getting back in touch with who you are will help you feel pride. Pride and passion are cousins. Note that it means that you force yourself to feel passionate about something that you really aren’t passionate about. The main point is that you are deeply alive and in touch with what is right for you.

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